
1.5 KiB

PDF Embanner

A program from Léo Viallon-Galinier Source available on git.vln-glr.fr Licence : GNU GPL v3, see www.gnu.org/licenses/

Depends on : PyPDF2 python package Tk GUI with python binding


1. Concetanate

The concatenation tool allow to :

  • concatenate several PDF files (of course!) selecting relevant pages;
  • rotate or crop pages (select Edit on the file you want to rotate and/or crop);
  • Change page order;
  • Add blank pages;
  • Edit PDF metadata.

2. Watermark

Here is to add watermark on one or all pages. The watermark could be an existing PDF file but it is also possible to add page number or text automatically generated by Latex

For this last purpose, you need to have a Latex installation on your computer If PDF Embanner could not find your Latex compiler, you have to define it in the embanner.conf file.

3. Encryption

You can both encrypt a file or decrypt one.

4. Extract text

This tool extract all the text from pdf in a text file (.txt) It is possible to separate pages or not.

5. Full split

Create a file per page from a single PDF file.

6. Forms

This is not yet implementd (and may not be implemented in a near future). Allow to manipulate PDF forms :

  • Recuperate the list of form entries and their values;
  • Fill a PDF with a value file;
  • Fill a Form with an interactive tool.

7. Help

This help and credits page


The Latex compilation is freely inspired of https://github.com/JelteF/PyLaTeX/