# SAuth : a simple auth add-on for bottle SAuth is a simple package to make authentification on bottle websites. It is inspired from [cork](http://cork.firelet.net) but much more simple. It provides an authentification class, and a decorator. The package is written for python3. It depends only on `bottle` and `hashlib`. It allows filtering access by role and user. ## Storing users The class is not specific of a storing method as it call a backend for authentification. Currently only the JSON backend is written, so it is the default one. Users are stored in a JSON file (by default `users/users.json`) whereas available roles are stored in `users/roles.json`. ## Getting startd An example is proposed. You have to create a `sessions` folder to allow bottle to manage sessions. Then, just run `example.py`. The `adduser.py` routine allow to create users and save into the users JSON file. The example users file contains two users : `user` with password `user` and `admin` with password `admin`. To use in your project, just copy the `sauth` folder into your project directory !